Repairing - Most of the donations we receive need some sort of repair. If you like to try your hand at getting a bike, a wheel chair or some medical device ready to go, this is the place for you. No experience is necessary.
Sorting and Packing - Good clothing is much needed but hard to distribute. To make things easier at the receiving end, we inspect each piece to eliminate the unusable, then sort and pack by gender and age group.
Loading the Container - Are you good at puzzles? It takes an eye to find the right box to fill that small space. It's a lot of work but it feels good to see the shipment come together and get on it's way.
If you can't help physically, there is always a need for financial help to pay for these shipments. You can make a financial donation to the One Family account at any Wells Fargo Bank. Note that all funds collected will go directly to aid the refugees. One Family Administrative expenses (phone, travel, etc.) are paid by the One Family Members.
We also now accept Paypal through the brent@onefamily.org e-mail address.